Wildlife Hotline: (516) 674-0982
Wildlife Hotline: (516) 674-0982

April 2023

We'Re Hiring

Thank you! Last month, we asked for support purchasing supplies for our Nursery patients. We received dozens of much-needed donations! These species-specific food, medical, and husbandry supplies allow us to provide the best care possible to our injured and orphaned wild patients. We are so appreciative of your support! Patient Spotlight It’s baby opossum season! Opossums are North America’s only marsupial which means that females carry babies inside a […]

March 2023

Baby Bunny Season

Baby Season Begins! Spring has sprung and baby season has begun! From March-August every year, we receive an influx of injured or orphaned baby animals. These babies receive intensive and sometimes around-the-clock care. These patients range from newborn opossums to hatchling songbirds. The goal is always to give them a safe space to heal and […]

February 2023

Brianna Rienzi

Meet Brianna! Brianna first joined Volunteers for Wildlife in 2020 as a wildlife rehabilitation intern. She completed a 400-hour internship in our Nursery providing intensive care to our neonate baby mammals and young songbirds. She returned the following year as seasonal staff, again helping to care for our injured and orphaned baby animals. Last year we welcomed Brianna back on board with a […]

January 2023

Wildlife Rescue Long Island

Wildlife Rescue & Transport Volunteers Needed on Long Island! Our Hotline receives over 10,000 calls annually about distressed wildlife all over Long Island. Our rehabilitators triage calls and arrange care for animals that need help. Most injured & orphaned wild patients are brought to our rehabilitation center by Good Samaritans. However, some people don’t feel comfortable handling wildlife or they don’t have the ability […]

December 2022


We Moved! Our time in Locust Valley was a period of tremendous growth for our organization and we outgrew our old home. We are currently in negotiations for a new long term home for our organization. While moving is always bittersweet, we are very excited for the future to come! In the meantime, we continue to serve […]