Thank you!
Last month, we asked for support purchasing supplies for our Nursery patients. We received dozens of much-needed donations! These species-specific food, medical, and husbandry supplies allow us to provide the best care possible to our injured and orphaned wild patients. We are so appreciative of your support!
Patient Spotlight

It’s baby opossum season!
Opossums are North America’s only marsupial which means that females carry babies inside a pouch located on their abdomen. The pouch offers some level of protection to the young inside. If a mom opossum is injured or killed, the babies inside her pouch often survive the trauma.
Please remember to check the pouch of any dead adult opossum you see. The pouch can easily be opened to look inside. You could be saving up to 13 tiny lives!
Opossum Fun Facts
– opossums are omnivores, eating both plant & animal matter
– opossums use their tongue & hands to meticulously groom themselves
– opossums have opposable thumbs on their hands & feet and a prehensile tail
Did you know: Opossums provide excellent rodent & insect control. A single opossum can eat up to 5,000 ticks per season! These little scavengers are so beneficial for your neighborhood!