Wildlife Hotline: (516) 674-0982
Wildlife Hotline: (516) 674-0982

Wildlife Rehabilitation Center located on Long island

Our Wildlife Rehabilitation Center serves as the primary resource for injured & orphaned wildlife on Long Island in Nassau & Western Suffolk Counties. 

We provide around-the-clock care to over 2,200 wild animals each year.

We provide compassionate care to every animal with the goal of returning these animals to their homes in nature.

Without our Wildlife Hotline, 10,000 calls a year would go unanswered or would be directed to public officials.

We field over 10,000 calls annually in response to emergency situations. In addition to calls from the public, we are contacted by police officers, fire departments, town, and municipal animal shelters, state wildlife officials, and veterinary hospitals all over Long Island.

We rehabilitate injured and orphaned wild animals on Long Island

Dedicated to the preservation of Long Island’s wildlife and natural habitats since 1982, our Wildlife Center provides a vital service to our community.

Common reasons why wild animals need Rehabilitation

  • Injury or illness: Wild animals can become injured or sick due to a variety of reasons, such as getting hit by a car, domestic animal attacks, falling from a tree, or becoming entangled in human-made materials.

  • Abandoned or orphaned: Sometimes, young animals may be abandoned by their mothers or left orphaned due to human interference, such as destruction of their habitat, or due to natural causes.

  • Human interference: Human activities can cause significant harm to wildlife, such as getting caught in fishing nets or traps, ingesting plastic or other trash, and being illegally hunted or poached.

  • Natural disasters: Natural disasters such as floods, fires, and hurricanes can displace wildlife, destroy habitats, and cause injury or death.

  • Habitat loss: Habitat destruction due to deforestation, urbanization, or pollution can leave wild animals without a place to live or access to food and water.

  • Climate change: Climate change can cause extreme weather conditions, which can have a devastating impact on wildlife populations by affecting breeding and migration patterns, food availability, and overall health.

Wildlife Rescue & Transport on long island

The public, police, fire departments, and animal control personnel all turn to us when faced with wildlife in crisis. These animals cannot fend for themselves in the wild and need our help!