Wildlife Hotline: (516) 674-0982
Wildlife Hotline: (516) 674-0982

February 2023

What's new at the center

Brianna Rienzi

Meet Brianna!

Brianna first joined Volunteers for Wildlife in 2020 as a wildlife rehabilitation intern. She completed a 400-hour internship in our Nursery providing intensive care to our neonate baby mammals and young songbirds. She returned the following year as seasonal staff, again helping to care for our injured and orphaned baby animals. Last year we welcomed Brianna back on board with a permanent full-time position in our education department!

Brianna manages the care of our animal ambassadors and provides them with an exceptionally high quality of care. These 20+ non-releasable animals are an integral part of our education outreach programs. Brianna ensures these animals are given nutritious diets, a natural and stimulating habitat/enclosure, regular enrichment, and medical care when needed.

Pictured here, Brianna is with our ambassador American Kestrel, Charlie! 

Upcoming Events

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Environmental Fair

Join us at the Cold Spring Harbor Library‘s Environmental Fair!

Featuring crafts, raffles, a marine invertebrate touch tank and more! Meet and speak with LI conservation, wildlife and environmental organizations who will have tables set up.

Other organizations in attendance include the Nature Conservancy, Sierra Club, North Shore Land Alliance, NY Sea Grant, Waterfront Center, Whaling Museum, Rotary Club of Huntington, LI Greenbelt Trail Conference, CSH Fish Hatchery and more! Saturday April 1st

Pre-registration is not required. For more information, click here.

Patient Spotlight

Snow Goose

Snow Goose

Many people are familiar with our most common goose on Long Island, the Canada Goose. Winter brings a special visitor to our area, the Snow Goose! Snow Geese spend the majority of their lives in the Arctic tundra and migrate south to warmer weather in the winter, flying as far south as Mexico. Snow Geese migrate in large flocks ranging from a few dozen birds to hundreds of thousands of birds! We hope to get this patient rehabilitated and released back to his flock in time for his spring migration back home!

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Whats new at the center

February 2025

We’re Hiring!
Patient Feature: Woodpecker Patient

Whats new at the center

January 2025

Community Support
Patient Feature: Scaup Duck Gets a Second Chance

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December 2024

Trixie Turns 25!
Patient Feature: Cottontail Rabbit Rescued

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November 2024

Youth Conservation Team
Patient Feature: Owlets Reunited With Parents

Whats new at the center

October 2024

Raffle – Last Chance!
Patient Feature: Opossum Entangled in Netting

Whats new at the center

September 2024

Halloween Raffle Tickets
Patient Feature: It's Baby Squirrel Season